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  • Writer's pictureChristine McCarty


We all face it. We all experience it. None of us are exempt from it. Failure hits each one of us. As Einstein said, “You never fail until you stop trying” but as a parent, especially a special needs parent, I feel as though I’m tested every damn day!

I often don’t have the patience needed to get Addy through a task. I get frustrated and end up performing the task myself. Case in point, Addy putting her shoes on by herself. I tell myself, they only way she is going to learn is to do it herself, but after ten minutes of trying; my impatience wins out and I end up just doing it myself. Failure on my part!

Another failure on my part, my skepticism that she will never be able to…fill-in the blank! I often doubt her capabilities or feel like she will never get there. Again, epic failure on my part. However, the most amazing thing happens. Every time I think it will never happen, name the task -- walking, chewing, making adjustments/coping, even putting her shoes on, she does it!

So even though I sometimes fail her through my own insecurities/issues, she never fails me. I have found that she makes me try harder and in essence, not fail. She pushes me, motivates me, and inspires me even when I feel like the biggest failure. She’s the reason I am not a failure!

To all the special needs parents/caregivers out there. Don’t give up, even when the task seems insurmountable, because the outcome far surpasses the challenges that come along the way. Remember, failure is success in progress.

Much love,

Raising Addy

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